Friday, May 6, 2011

Ringling Brothers Circus 2011

We found out that Ringling Brothers Circus was coming to town and thought it would be a great family fun night.
Mommy loves elephants!

After purchasing tickets, we just couldn't decide how well Sister would sit throughout the
entire circus and we did not know what to expect. So after much debate, we decided to let her stay with Aunt Ninee and take one of Jake's friends from school. His immediate choice was Jackson.
Such sweet boys...

We started out playing at the house, followed by Chick-fil-a, and then the circus. The circus was super fun and filled with crazy stunts. We arrived early so we could see the elephants and play with the clowns...Jake even walked the tight rope!

The boys kept asking, "how are they doing that?" By 9:30 we were heading out with two physically tired boys high on cotton candy! So fun...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter 2011

Easter weekend was a great time filled with family fun!

Jake is always up for a good race!

Too busy watching the competition...

Sister took her time and of course wanted to put them all in her mouth!

Mommy, please let me eat it...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jake's 1st Field Trip

Today was Jake's first field trip with his preschool to Blue Bell Creamery. He was so excited! Surprisingly his excitement was more about his friends riding in the car with us than the ice cream, but it was sure to be a great day. I have to admit, his excitement was dead on...the car ride was so much fun. The things they would say just cracked me up and with 4 kids talking non-stop the 45 minute ride seemed like 15.

James, Jackson, Jake, & cute!

The BB tour itself was a little boring in my opinion and hard to see for 4 year olds, but the ice cream at the end made the wait worth it. After having our dessert first, we went to a local park, played, and had a picnic. They were all supertired for the ride home after a great day of fun!
The entire class after a good romp in the leaves!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Yard Work at Ninee's House

I have put in several flowerbeds in my time, but this was definitely one of the most exhausting jobs ever. Dad and Lee tried to warn me, but I didn't listen! Saturday morning we started early with the fun stuff...buying all the plants, flowers, edging, dirt, and mulch! We decided on the design and then the work began! Digging up and hauling off the St. Augustine grass was a chore...I have never encountered so much clay in all my life!

But by 9 o'clock, I had two exhausted and dirt-covered children and Ninee had a beautiful yard!!
Sister...of course, was into everything and loved getting dirty!

What a strong boy!

By mid-afternoon, Sister had some red cheeks but would not stay in the shade so this was our solution, and Jake now had a job!

Finally...all clear and ready for plants!

The final pretty!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Chloe's Big Birthday Cake Mess

After several years of trying to capture those special pictures of Jake diving into his first, second, and even third birthday cake, Sister finally stole the show! She had no problem making a huge mess and achieving her very own sugar rush! Thank goodness Aunt Julie and Uncle Trey didn't mind us getting icing all over their dining room!

This is so YUMMY...thanks Honey for this awesome cake!

This is so FUN...

Cake is officially job here is done!!

Aubrey is holding my arm down because I really want to get it on her too! :)


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chloe-Bug is turning 1!

I can't believe it...our sweet little Chloe is 1 year old. She is following right in her brother's footsteps with her independence and determination. She knows what she wants and has no problem letting us know. She has been walking pretty good since early January, but just recently started walking everywhere she goes and as fast as her legs will take her.

Unfortunately, those little legs take her into the cabinets, dog food bowl, Jake's closet, and just about anywhere she can get into something...such a little busy body! She loves stuffed animals, baby dolls, animals, and of course her big brother. Looking back I wouldn't change their age difference for anything.

They play so great together and if you want Sissy to laugh all you have have to do is go get Jake. That being said...the two of them together in a shop cart almost makes me pull my hair out. Yes, even at such a young age they know how to push each others buttons and aggravate beyond belief. All in all, I can't help but loving them to death...even on our challenging days, they make me smile with joy!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snow in College Station

We waited and waited, and finally got our SNOW DAY!
Jake had been asking every day, "Mommy when is God going to turn on the snow?" Nonie and Papaw had been getting snow for a while and it just never seemed to
quite make it down far enough to reach us.

Finally on Friday, February 4th we woke up to snow...not much but just enough to go have some fun! We took the lid off of our wreath bin and it made a great sled. Jake finally got to make his snow angel and have snow ball fight with Daddy.

We didn't think he was ever going to get cold
enough to be able to drag him inside. He thought the back porch was his own private snow cone machine! He got a big kitchen spoon and would fill a bowl with snow and come inside and eat it with Sister. Chloe was more unsure about the snow. To someone new to walking, slippery snow is too all that great. She was slightly afraid to move when we stood her up, but she did enjoy sledding with her big brother and eating his flavorless snow cones!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Rinn Family Christmas 2010

As always Christmas came and went in a flash. We had a great time visiting friends and family and of course Santa came! Jake loved opening presents...I think he was so excited to see what was inside. He ran from person to person to help them open their present...he didn't care that it wasn't for him! Sister mainly loved the pile of paper growing in the middle of the room because she wanted to eat the paper. Aunt Paula and the girls gave her a stroller and baby doll which turned out to be great for her starting to walk. She walked all over the living room pushing the baby! It is amazing how young mommy skills start! :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Rinn Family Pictures 2010

All the family!
Jake & Chloe Mommy & Daddy
Mommy with Jake & Chloe

Daddy with Jake & Chloe

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jake the Shepherd!

Jake's new preschool put on a Christmas play which I was so excited/nervous about. For starters, we all know Jake has a clothing issue and does not like to wear things out of the norm, but since he did so good at Halloween this year, I was hopeful. Then they gave me the script!!! I was like seriously, how do I get a 3 year old to learn these are crazy!! Despite it all, we practiced almost every night and they practiced everyday at school.
His lines were:
"Glory to God in the Highest"
"Let us go into Bethlehem"
"Glory to God in the Highest and on Earth, peace good will toward men"
Thank goodness none of these lines had to be said alone...all three shepherds said them together.
In the end, the play was great! I was able to get my classes covered at school so I could attend and he did so good...he even wore the (maroon...gig'em) shepherds costume !
I was shocked and so proud!!
I am waiting on the hopefully I will post it soon!