Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jake's 1st Field Trip

Today was Jake's first field trip with his preschool to Blue Bell Creamery. He was so excited! Surprisingly his excitement was more about his friends riding in the car with us than the ice cream, but it was sure to be a great day. I have to admit, his excitement was dead on...the car ride was so much fun. The things they would say just cracked me up and with 4 kids talking non-stop the 45 minute ride seemed like 15.

James, Jackson, Jake, & cute!

The BB tour itself was a little boring in my opinion and hard to see for 4 year olds, but the ice cream at the end made the wait worth it. After having our dessert first, we went to a local park, played, and had a picnic. They were all supertired for the ride home after a great day of fun!
The entire class after a good romp in the leaves!

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