Sunday, March 20, 2011

Yard Work at Ninee's House

I have put in several flowerbeds in my time, but this was definitely one of the most exhausting jobs ever. Dad and Lee tried to warn me, but I didn't listen! Saturday morning we started early with the fun stuff...buying all the plants, flowers, edging, dirt, and mulch! We decided on the design and then the work began! Digging up and hauling off the St. Augustine grass was a chore...I have never encountered so much clay in all my life!

But by 9 o'clock, I had two exhausted and dirt-covered children and Ninee had a beautiful yard!!
Sister...of course, was into everything and loved getting dirty!

What a strong boy!

By mid-afternoon, Sister had some red cheeks but would not stay in the shade so this was our solution, and Jake now had a job!

Finally...all clear and ready for plants!

The final pretty!!

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