Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jake's 1st Field Trip

Today was Jake's first field trip with his preschool to Blue Bell Creamery. He was so excited! Surprisingly his excitement was more about his friends riding in the car with us than the ice cream, but it was sure to be a great day. I have to admit, his excitement was dead on...the car ride was so much fun. The things they would say just cracked me up and with 4 kids talking non-stop the 45 minute ride seemed like 15.

James, Jackson, Jake, & cute!

The BB tour itself was a little boring in my opinion and hard to see for 4 year olds, but the ice cream at the end made the wait worth it. After having our dessert first, we went to a local park, played, and had a picnic. They were all supertired for the ride home after a great day of fun!
The entire class after a good romp in the leaves!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Yard Work at Ninee's House

I have put in several flowerbeds in my time, but this was definitely one of the most exhausting jobs ever. Dad and Lee tried to warn me, but I didn't listen! Saturday morning we started early with the fun stuff...buying all the plants, flowers, edging, dirt, and mulch! We decided on the design and then the work began! Digging up and hauling off the St. Augustine grass was a chore...I have never encountered so much clay in all my life!

But by 9 o'clock, I had two exhausted and dirt-covered children and Ninee had a beautiful yard!!
Sister...of course, was into everything and loved getting dirty!

What a strong boy!

By mid-afternoon, Sister had some red cheeks but would not stay in the shade so this was our solution, and Jake now had a job!

Finally...all clear and ready for plants!

The final pretty!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Chloe's Big Birthday Cake Mess

After several years of trying to capture those special pictures of Jake diving into his first, second, and even third birthday cake, Sister finally stole the show! She had no problem making a huge mess and achieving her very own sugar rush! Thank goodness Aunt Julie and Uncle Trey didn't mind us getting icing all over their dining room!

This is so YUMMY...thanks Honey for this awesome cake!

This is so FUN...

Cake is officially job here is done!!

Aubrey is holding my arm down because I really want to get it on her too! :)
