Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Rubba-Dub-Dub Sissy's in the Tub!

It is so hard to believe that Chloe will soon be 7 months old. She is growing so fast and becoming her own little person. She is incredibly happy and full of grins boasting her two bottom teeth all the time. She is independent just like her brother, but still likes to cuddle which Mommy loves! She is sitting up and frequently gets on her knees to rock, but no crawling yet! Watch out is coming soon!

We are currently battling a pretty bad ear infection that just won't go away, so we will be going back to the doctor for the 3rd time on Monday! Other than some yucky side effects from the antibiotic and a runny nose, you wouldn't even know she was sick! She is still all play, naps, and food!

Here are some current bath pictures that I thought were too cute to not share!

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