Saturday, September 4, 2010

Jake and Daddy...Gone Hunting!

Jake has been on pins and needles all week waiting for the weekend to finally come. Lee made the mistake of telling Jake early in the week that he was going to take him hunting this weekend. Boy was that a BIG mistake considering Jake has no reference of time, so every morning we had to convince him that today was NOT Saturday and it was time to go to school. Finally, Saturday came but Lee had to work in the morning so I was left to field all of Jake's questions! If he asked me once, he asked me a thousand times "is Daddy here yet?". Little did Jake know, Lee was planning to bring home a gator from work to take hunting. So sometime around 12:30, Jake came running in the back door screaming, "Mommy! Mommy! Hurry come here! I knew Lee must be home so I ran outside with my camera and this is the face I caught on camera as Lee was driving up the driveway. It was priceless...I don't think his grin could have possibly gotten any bigger!
Once the truck was in park, Jake climbed up! He was so to shoot birds! Wayne arrived and they loaded the truck and headed to Rockdale. Bob and Suki Merritt are once again hosting the dove fest opening season hunt! It is always so much fun...Chloe and I are sad we are having to miss it. Hopefully, when they return I will have more pictures to share! Stay tuned!!

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