Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chloe-Bug is turning 1!

I can't believe it...our sweet little Chloe is 1 year old. She is following right in her brother's footsteps with her independence and determination. She knows what she wants and has no problem letting us know. She has been walking pretty good since early January, but just recently started walking everywhere she goes and as fast as her legs will take her.

Unfortunately, those little legs take her into the cabinets, dog food bowl, Jake's closet, and just about anywhere she can get into something...such a little busy body! She loves stuffed animals, baby dolls, animals, and of course her big brother. Looking back I wouldn't change their age difference for anything.

They play so great together and if you want Sissy to laugh all you have have to do is go get Jake. That being said...the two of them together in a shop cart almost makes me pull my hair out. Yes, even at such a young age they know how to push each others buttons and aggravate beyond belief. All in all, I can't help but loving them to death...even on our challenging days, they make me smile with joy!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snow in College Station

We waited and waited, and finally got our SNOW DAY!
Jake had been asking every day, "Mommy when is God going to turn on the snow?" Nonie and Papaw had been getting snow for a while and it just never seemed to
quite make it down far enough to reach us.

Finally on Friday, February 4th we woke up to snow...not much but just enough to go have some fun! We took the lid off of our wreath bin and it made a great sled. Jake finally got to make his snow angel and have snow ball fight with Daddy.

We didn't think he was ever going to get cold
enough to be able to drag him inside. He thought the back porch was his own private snow cone machine! He got a big kitchen spoon and would fill a bowl with snow and come inside and eat it with Sister. Chloe was more unsure about the snow. To someone new to walking, slippery snow is too all that great. She was slightly afraid to move when we stood her up, but she did enjoy sledding with her big brother and eating his flavorless snow cones!