Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Rinn Family Pictures 2010

All the family!
Jake & Chloe Mommy & Daddy
Mommy with Jake & Chloe

Daddy with Jake & Chloe

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jake the Shepherd!

Jake's new preschool put on a Christmas play which I was so excited/nervous about. For starters, we all know Jake has a clothing issue and does not like to wear things out of the norm, but since he did so good at Halloween this year, I was hopeful. Then they gave me the script!!! I was like seriously, how do I get a 3 year old to learn these are crazy!! Despite it all, we practiced almost every night and they practiced everyday at school.
His lines were:
"Glory to God in the Highest"
"Let us go into Bethlehem"
"Glory to God in the Highest and on Earth, peace good will toward men"
Thank goodness none of these lines had to be said alone...all three shepherds said them together.
In the end, the play was great! I was able to get my classes covered at school so I could attend and he did so good...he even wore the (maroon...gig'em) shepherds costume !
I was shocked and so proud!!
I am waiting on the hopefully I will post it soon!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Jake turns 4!

Ever since Jake went to his friend Garrison's birthday party back in October, he has been begging to have one of his own, so despite the unpredictable Texas weather and my fears of having all those kids running through my house and destroying everything in their path, we decided to have a birthday party at our neighborhood pavilion. Jake picked out his very own "How to Train Your Dragon" cake which turned out adorable and the party was set.

We had so much fun with the bounce house, basketball, sidewalk drawing, and of course we had to have the movie "How to train your dragon" playing on the side. Jake got his very own big boy bike which he took to like he had been riding for years. After a few hours the sugar high was starting to wear off from all the icing, so we decided to call it a day and say bye to all our friends and family! The day was perfect...minus the monsoon winds, but we managed to have a great time anyway!

Even though we were super sad to see the bounce house deflate, Daddy and Papaw decided to teach Jake and Ethan how to bull ride...who knew clean-up could be so much fun! :)