Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Summer Fun!

After spending much of the weekend moving Aunt Ninee, we took at break to hang out at the pool. Chloe and Jake both love the water and enjoy being outside. Jake is still really timid about going under the water, but we are hoping to find some good swim lessons soon here in town.
For now, he loves running around

the shallow end, jumping in, or swimming on Daddy's back. Chloe is just along for the ride and with all her chunky monkey rolls, pretty good at floating!! Plus with Aunt Jenny's super fashionable swimsuit, she is definitely the cutest one at the pool :)


  1. Love Chloe's swimsuit!!! It's so cute!

    Mason's was always very timid in the water too. This is the first summer he is actually getting a little more comfortable. I guess I'd rather them be timid, than to be the one whose kid is jumping in everywhere and can't swim!

  2. They are both so cute! I know you are loving the time you get to spend with them. I can't wait to see you and the family again soon:)Love you!
