Friday, May 6, 2011

Ringling Brothers Circus 2011

We found out that Ringling Brothers Circus was coming to town and thought it would be a great family fun night.
Mommy loves elephants!

After purchasing tickets, we just couldn't decide how well Sister would sit throughout the
entire circus and we did not know what to expect. So after much debate, we decided to let her stay with Aunt Ninee and take one of Jake's friends from school. His immediate choice was Jackson.
Such sweet boys...

We started out playing at the house, followed by Chick-fil-a, and then the circus. The circus was super fun and filled with crazy stunts. We arrived early so we could see the elephants and play with the clowns...Jake even walked the tight rope!

The boys kept asking, "how are they doing that?" By 9:30 we were heading out with two physically tired boys high on cotton candy! So fun...