Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sister has a Crazy Brother!

This is what I call free entertainment...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Rinn Family Get-Together in San Marcos

We went to San Marcos for a Rinn Family Get-Together this week since Aunt Jenny was in town visiting from California. It was a great day of fun for all the kids and catching up with each other.

Jake and Ty were busy running in and out trying to
split their time between the legos, playscape, tire swing, and trampoline. Courtney and Honey even tried to teach him some new moves on the trampoline!

Miss Chloe had
a busy day being passed from Aubrey to Honey, to Aubrey, to Aunt Jenny, to Aubrey, to Aunt Julie, to Aubrey, to Mommy, to Aubrey and I think you get the picture. Her and Aubrey are two peas in a pod!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

First Day at Peas in a Pod

Jake and Chloe's first day at Peas in a Pod turned out good despite the major sleepy eyes we started the day with. I definitely had a hard time dropping them off, but they loved it! Jake loves all the friends to play with and Chloe is adored by all the teachers! Her and another baby girl, Reese like to squeal back and forth at one another!