Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Vacation 2010

With our crazy schedules, we decided to stay close to home for our summer vacation this year and go to San Antonio for a few days. After much debate on Sea World versus Fiesta Texas, we decided to go to Sea World in hopes it would be slightly more enjoyable for Chloe. I will admit I was very nervous about the trip, so we packed EVERYTHING but the kitchen sink just in case.

Sea World was lots of fun! Jake loved all the dolphins, sea lion, and of course Shamu...he even rode his first roller coaster! It has to be said that the Believe show is totally worth going was awesome!
Jake and Lee took many turns in the wave pool while Chloe and I chilled in the shallow end every time we got hot, which was a LOT!! We got yelled at and literally kicked out of the lazy river because we took Chloe...what difference does it make if she can walk or not! I would think swimming would be the more important factor, but anyway!! Despite the heat, Chloe did great and to be honest the kids outlasted us! We (Lee & I) were so tired, we had to call it a day, but we were proud to have lasted 8 hours in the park!!

The next day, we went to the SA Zoo! It has been under construction so we were excited to see all the new exhibits. Jake was in his element!!
As much as I tried to be organized
and follow the map in a systematic order so as not to miss anything...he would not have it! He was running from one cage to the next screaming "Look Mommy..." and "Look Daddy..."! I have to admit with heat many animals were hiding, so it felt like we were living a "Where's Waldo" book with Jake and try to find the animals first! We had a great time, but oh my gosh was it HOT!! Chloe took turns in the stroller and in the baby bjorn carrier, and I kept stealing ice from the drink vendors and putting it on her neck to keep her cool. She was definitely quite the little trooper! No crying...only her high pitched squeals at all the people passing by.

Best part of the day was in the aquarium where we were looking at all the fish and the new surroundings when all of a sudden what we thought was a rock in the background started moving! No kidding!! As we watched (Jake squealed), we realized it was a hippo! It was so cool!

The rest of the trip we hung out around the Riverwalk! We took a River boat ride and caught a Dino-Quest exhibit in town.

Lessons learned:
1. Never feel bad about over packing kid stuff...we used it all!
2. Texas is just too hot in July!
3. Strollers are not good at the Riverwalk...thank goodness for the Baby Bjorn! (Chloe loved it)
4. Don't feel bad about being in bed each night before 9 o' was hard keeping up with Jake and literally carrying Chloe everywhere we went.
5. Babies are easier to travel with when they are at least sitting up on their own! (ugh...Chloe was not!!)

Overall, great vacation!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Swimming in Rockdale

The Campbell family has finally returned from Greece, so Honey decided to get all the cousins together
for a fun day in the sun.
We had a great day swimming, playing in the yard,
and having a picnic on
the porch. Jake went on countless piggy-back rides in the pool from Honey & Courtney while Aubrey completely captivated Chloe.
Jake loved playing with Ty's remote control truck and water guns, and ate two big slices of watermelon! It was truly a perfect day of play! Needless to say, there were some great naps going on in the backseat on my drive home!