Wednesday, May 26, 2010


We went and stayed with Nonie and Papaw for the weekend, and unfortunately Jake was under the weather all day Saturday. Being sick is never a good thing, but it is the only time Jake will slow down long enough to snuggle. We spend all day laying around the house and catching up on our rest. Jake's favorite kitty friend, Annie, even joined us. Other than my arms falling was the best nap ever with both my kiddos!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wrapping up the school year!

We are ready for summer!

Jake basically lives outside playing in the dirt, riding his 4-wheeler, and swinging on his playscape. He never meets a stranger and is always asking the neighbor kids to "come over and play with me." Between him and his nanny Jan they are going through the pop-ice like crazy!

Chloes is growing up so fast! She is definitely a chunky monkey and fond of her feedings. She loves sitting in her bumbo and having someone talk to her. She gets all excited and squeals! Big brother has started taking on her 5:30 feeding while I am working on is a big help!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Trip to the Houston Zoo

We took Jake and Chloe to the Houston Zoo on Mother's Day! We had a great time walking around seeing all the animals. Jake ran from one exhibit to the next squealing about what was inside. He loved seeing the otters swim under water, feeding the giraffes, and talking to the monkeys. The highlight of the trip was the merry-go-round and the train ride around the zoo!